
单位:mems教育部重点实验室 电话: 出生年月:1987-12-01 邮箱:jfwu@seu.edu.cn 学历:博士 地址: 职称:副研究员
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吴建峰,在微纳加工制备、光电测试方面积累了丰富的经验,研究方向包括(1)二维材料的光电性能/器件研究、(2)超材料/超表面的设计、制造、表征和应用。目前已在国际知名学术期刊上发表sci论文20余篇,包括advanced materials, physical review applied, 2d materials,applied physics letters, scientific reports等。

2006.9-2010.6  苏州大学,物理科学与技术学院,光信息科学与技术,学士

2010.8-2014.8  新加坡国立大学,物理系,应用物理,博士


2014.3-2014.12  新加坡国立大学,研究助理

2015.1-2020.8  新加坡国立大学,博士后

2020.12-2021.4  东南大学,电子科学与工程学院,讲师

2021.4-2022.12  东南大学,电子科学与工程学院,副研究员

2023.1-现在  东南大学,集成电路学院,副研究员


1. 《微纳加工技术》研讨,48课时






1.yuanfang yu; fan zhong; ruizhi li; yueying cui; jianfeng wu*; jialin zhang* ; highperformance infrared photodetection beyond bandgap limitation based on surface plasmon resonance in sub-stoichiometry molybdenum oxide nanostructures, 2d materials, 2023, 3: 025012.

2. wu jianfeng; ng binghao; liang haidong; breese mark b. h.; hong minghui; maier stefan a.; moser herbert o.; hess ortwin*; chiral meta-foils for terahertz broadband high-contrast flexible circular polarizers, physical review applied 2014, 2: 014005. (selected as editor's suggestion)

3. qin fei#; huang kun#; wu jianfeng#; teng jinghua; qiu cheng-wei; hong minghui*; a supercritical lens optical label-free microscopy: sub-diffraction resolution and ultra-long working distance, advanced materials 2017, 29: 1602721.

4. wu jianfeng*; ng binghao; turaga shuvan p.; breese mark b. h.; maier stefan a.; hong minghui; bettiol andrew a.; moser herbert o.; free-standing terahertz chiral meta-foils exhibiting strong optical activity and negative refractive index, applied physics letters 2013, 103: 141106.

5. wu jianfeng*; moser herbert o.; xu su; banas agnieszka; banas krzysztof; chen hongsheng; breese mark b. h.; from polarization-dependent to polarization-independent terahertz meta-foils, applied physics letters 2013, 103: 191114.

6. wu jianfeng*; moser herbert o.; xu su; jian linke; banas agnieszka; banas krzysztof; chen hongsheng; bettiol andrew a.; breese mark b. h.*; functional multi-band thz meta-foils, scientific reports 2013, 3: 3531.

7. wu jianfeng*; moser herbert o.; li rujiang; yang yihao; jing liqiao; chen hongsheng; breese mark b. h.; magnetic fano resonances by design in symmetry broken thz meta-foils, scientific reports 2017, 7: 41869.

8. ng binghao; wu jiangfeng; hanham stephen m.; fernández-domínguez antonio i.; klein norbert; liew yun fook; breese mark b. h.; hong minghui; maier stefan a.*; spoof plasmon surfaces: a novel platform for thz sensing, advanced optical materials 2013, 1: 543-548.

9. ng binghao; hanham stephen m.; wu jianfeng; fernández-domínguez antonio i.; klein norbert; liew yun fook; breese mark b. h.; hong minghui; maier stefan a.*; broadband terahertz sensing on spoof plasmon surfaces, acs photonics 2014, 1: 1059-1067.

10. sow bryan miaoxuan#; lim kim yong#; wu jianfeng; sow chorng haur*; electrically tailored metachrosis in zno-c nanowires, acs nano 2020, 14: 5845-5854.
